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Norco Mini Vibrator, Battery Operated Mini Massager for Desensitization - 迷你電動按摩器


Norco Mini VibratorQuality and convenience, in a portable vibrator. Ideal for scar massage, desensitization, muscle stimulation, oral stimulation and sensory re-education. Three natural silicone heads massage small muscle areas. Select the ball, spot or flat disc attachment most appropriate for the area being massaged. The cap massages broader musc..


Norco Leg Lifter - Norco腿部活動輔助带


Norco Leg LifterAssists those who have had total hip replacement surgery or those with limited mobility raise or lower their legs. The Norco Leg Lifter is helpful for hip arthritis or hip replacement patients who have weak hip flexors.  An steel rod retains its shape while lifting heavy legs or casts.  The Leg Lifter is covered with ..


ComforTrac Cervical Traction Device - ComforTrac頸部牽引裝置


Cervical home traction unit to provide maximum comfort.- Innovative design makes it possible for patients to go home with the same quality traction they receive during physical therapy.- Fully adjustable angle of incline without the need to order extra parts.- Patented hand pump makes it easy to increase or decrease traction force.- Hand pump ..


Ortho-Foam Dynamic Finger Extension Assist Orthotic Splint - Ortho-foam動態手指伸展輔助矯形夾板


Treat various diagnoses involving PIP joint tightness.Used to increase PIP joint extension. Contraindicated for fixed contractures, patients with fragile skin or severe edema.  -Closed cell foam and stainless steel wire construction.  -Contoured pads and bands for improved fit.  -Easy to fit. Bend to adjust extension force.  -Wi..


Waterproof One Handed Cutting Boards 防水單手切菜板


在聚乙烯防水切菜板上切割和準備食物。   - 鋁釘在切割時可固定食物。   - 耐用的防水切菜板具有圓形邊緣,易於清潔。   - 四個橡膠吸腳將板牢固地固定在表面上。   -兩個聚乙烯食品防護罩可防止食物從板上滑落。   - 小板重 1-1/4 磅。 (.57 公斤)。   - 大板,重 2-1/4 磅。 (1.0公斤)。   -可用洗碗機清洗。Cut and prepare food on the polyethylene Waterproof Cutting Boards.  -Aluminum spikes hold food while..


Comfort Cool Wide Wrist Wrap Neoprene Wrist Support - Comfort Cool®加寬護腕,氯丁橡胶护腕


Full coverage for the wrist and forearm.- Ideal for soft tissue injuries due to repetitive motion and arthritis.- Thin wrap provides support and compression to the wrist.- Wide design provides generous overlapping around the wrist and distal forearm. - Limits the final degrees of wrist motion while allowing hand function.- Can be trimmed for a..


Conductive Gloves


Conductive GlovesStretchable fabric for excellent conductivity, compression and support. - Made of a premium conductive-silver, stretch-mesh fabric that provides even electrical current distribution.- Designed to be used with a variety of electro-medical modalities such as TENS and EMS to stimulate large or multiple areas for pain, stiffness o..


UE Ranger with Manual & Home Exercise Program - UE Ranger 關節活動範圍鍛煉器,附帶使用手冊和家庭鍛煉計劃


Improve orthopedic or neurologically impaired limbs through graded, controlled motions.This assistive-motion device facilitates multi-plane biomechanics and graded progressions of motor activity to help improve upper extremity function, ROM and endurance. Use seated, standing or lying supine.Research shows this device demonstrates the capacity to s..


Touch Test Sensory Evaluators 觸覺測試感知評估器


Individual Touch Test® Sensory EvaluatorThese portable sensory evaluators are manufactured within a 5% standard deviation of each target force.Use to test sensory levels and obtain objective data for accurate reporting on the status of diminishing or returning sensibility.The filament bends when peak force threshold is reached.The unique handle eas..


Norco™ Universal Loop Attachment


Economical loop secures exercise tubing easily to top or hinge side of most doors.- Allows strengthening and ROM exercises to be performed more easily.- Excellent for home exercise programs.- Can be used as an accessory to any brand of exercise tubing or exercise band.- Can also be used in conjunction with the Norco™ Universal Door Bracket.NC91231-..


Stander Car Caddie 站立式汽車Caddie


站立式汽車CaddieCar Caddy 由 Stander USA 設計,是一款巧妙的便攜式設備,在進出汽車時提供穩定性和輕鬆性。 對於行動不便的人來說,這是一個極好的工具。輕鬆進出汽車。CarCaddie™ 安裝在大多數車門的框架上,為進出汽車的人員提供平衡支撐。可調節肩帶由優質尼龍製成,經久耐用。可以調整以適應不同的窗戶高度。柔軟的緩衝握把舒適地握在手中。符合人體工程學的帶扣可以輕鬆安裝到大多數汽車、貨車或卡車上。一年製造商保修。Designed by Stander USA, the Car Caddie is an ingenious portable device which offers stability and ease when getting in or out of ..




泡沫手臂支撐(附乙烯基涂层)适用于多种情况,助于减轻手术后的水肿或在中风后保护无力的上肢。这种密集型的手臂支架根据身体的轮廓设计,能更舒适、安全地定位受伤或虚弱的手部,或将肿胀的手部理想地抬高到心脏以上位置,帮助促进体液回流。在治疗和锻炼期间,能够保持手部在一个舒适的高度。它可以稳固地放置在膝盖垫、桌子或床上,不会滑动,非常适合在家中使用,增强治疗和锻炼的效果。能够保持手部高出桌面13厘米(5英寸)。两个支架的长度均为20英寸(约51厘米),宽度为5-1/2英寸(约14厘米)。由实心开孔泡沫材料制成,特设有一个凹槽形的支撑槽,用于支撑前臂。Foam Arm Support with Vinyl CoatingCan be used in multiple situations to help..


Advance Progressive-Resistance Exercise Putty


Advance™ Progressive-Resistance Exercise PuttyThis unique putty provides infinite levels of progressive resistance.- Advance™ Progressive-Resistance Exercise Putty is conveniently packaged exercise putty kits which can create a multi-phase resistive strengthening program with one cup of putty.- Each Advance™ Putty Kit includes one portion of pin..


Inner Lip Plate


帶內沿的高盘边可防止食物從盤子上滑落,並可用於將食物推到器具上。- 旨在幫助兒童、老人、肌肉控制能力有限的人和僅使用一隻手的人。- 直徑為 9 英寸(23 厘米)。- 由塑料製成,可用洗碗機、高壓滅菌器和微波爐加熱。- 有紅色和砂岩色可供選擇。- 紅色內沿盤:波士頓大學進行的一項研究表明,阿爾茨海默病患者體重減輕的部分原因是餐具和食物之間缺乏顏色對比。- 帶吸盤的 Inner Lip Plate™ 使用吸腳固定在桌子上。 可用家用洗碗機清洗,不可用微波爐加熱。 有砂岩可供選擇。- 替換吸盤單獨出售,每包 3 個。High wall with inner lip keeps food from sliding off the plate and can be used to push fo..


Dema Wrap Cohesive Bandage Coban (Regular, Beige) - Dema Wrap 粘性綳帶 (米色普通款)


Our Cohesive Bandages provides outstanding performance in addition to excellent support and compression. - Use to support sprains/strains and to apply compression for edema restriction.- Can be used as a bandage and as a replacement for tape when securing dressings or catheters.- The selection of widths available ensure the ideal fit. - U..

Showing 1 to 15 of 64 (5 Pages)