Dynamic Tape

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Dynamic Tape Eco Sports Elastic Tape 運動彈性膠帶 - Single Rolls


Dynamic Tape® Eco - Single RollsDynamic Tape® 是一種專為運動員和醫療專家設計的高度彈性膠帶,具有超過200%的延展性,與一般的剛性運動膠帶和運動功能膠帶有明顯的不同。它獨特的四向拉伸性和物性使得它能與臨床醫生的治療方案完美結合,提供真正基於生物力學的貼紮方法。Dynamic Tape® Eco 特別設計用於在拉伸週期中迅速達到更高的阻力,是在需要極小拉伸和張力時仍能提供穩定支撐的理想選擇。這款膠帶使用專利申請中的技術,由回收的塑料瓶製成。它高彈性模量的特性意味著膠帶能在有限的範圍內迅速建立更強的阻力,因此是多種膠帶應用的理想選擇。最初是為運動員和肌肉骨骼治療專家開發的,但現在已成為包括神經科、兒科和手部治療師在內的多學科治療師的必備工具。此膠帶的..


Dynamic Tape Biomechanical Sports Tape - Single Rolls - 生物力學動態運動貼布,5厘米單卷


A Biomechanical approach to taping.Originally developed for athletes, sports and musculoskeletal physiotherapy, it is increasingly becoming an essential tool for therapists of all disciplines proving popular with neurological, pediatric and hand therapists.Dynamic Tape® is specially designed, highly elastic tape (over 200%) and is completely differ..

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