手指关节弯曲,变形,疼痛,僵硬且有卡住感?你有可能得了手指屈肌腱鞘炎,又叫扳机指或者弹响指。无名指和拇指是最容易发病的手指,有时其他手指也无法幸免。在严重的情况下,你的手指会变形或完全无法伸直,甚至在弯曲手指时,感觉到声响。症状的初期可以尝试非手术的治疗方法:- 注射类固醇类- 采用非类固醇消炎药物(Topricin Pain Relief Cream)- 佩戴支具佩戴支具可以让你的手指得到休息,以免过度运动而使情况变得更糟。佩戴的支具可以选择专业人士为你定制或者购买市场上已有的较成熟的品牌,它们往往有多种尺码可以选择,例如Oval-8 Trigger Finger Splint。睡觉时虽然手...
Fu Kang Healthcare
These are kinds of recliner sofa chair that can assist elderly from sittting to standing. Some ideas on insole with good arch support...
Milestones* identifies most sounds phonetically* forms most sound-letter associations* segments sounds into smallest grammatical units* begins to use semantic and syntactic cues in writing and reading* begins to write simple sentences with vocabulary and spelling appropriate for age* uses sentences ...
Milestones* Understands ‘left’ and ‘right’* Understands most concepts of time* Uses more complex descriptions* Understands spatial relations like ‘on top’, ‘behind’, ‘far’ and ‘near’* Knows his address* Knows common opposites like ‘big/small’* Understands ‘same’ and ‘different’* Has a sentence lengt...
Milestones* Can point to and identify colours: red, blue, yellow, green* Listens to short, simple stories* Pays attention to a story and answers simple questions about it* Identifies triangles, circles and squares* Identifies objects by their function “Which one is used to tell the time?”* Identifie...
Milestones* Understands “yesterday”, “dinnertime”, “tonight”, “big-small”* Understands fast and slow* Understands object functions* Understands differences in meanings (stop-go, in-on, big-little)* Knows his address and some children’s songs e.g. “Twinkle, twinkle little star”* Follows 2- and 3- par...
Activities to Encourage your Child’s Speech and Language at age 2-3 years* Repeat new words over and over* Help your child listen and follow instructions by playing games “pick up the ball”, “touch Daddy’s nose”* Take your child on trips and talk about what you see before, during and after the trip*...
Milestones * Identifies several body parts* Matches 4 to 5 colours* Understands most things said to him or her* Knows “big” and “small”* Can concentrate on an activity for 6 – 7 minutes* Understands the concept of ‘one’ and ‘all’* Understands the concept of “one”. If he is playing with 6 blocks...
Milestones* Looks attentively * Gives a toy when asked* Understands “no” * Identifies up to 5 body parts* Waves goodbye * Brings objects from another room when asked* Nods “yes” and shakes head for “no”* Understands more words than ...
Milestones* Recognizes own name* Listens when spoken to* Understands simple instructions e.g. “put on your shoes”* Responds to simple requests e.g. “give this to mummy”* Understands common words when used with gestures e.g. “bye-bye”* Recognizes words as symbols for objects e.g. cat – meows* Laughs ...