Baseline® Plastic Goniometers - 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms - Baseline塑料制關節量角器,360度刻度,12英寸尺臂
Transparent plastic goniometer permits observation of joint's axis of motion, and its range of motion. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° i..
MOMO Dynamic Arm Support, Balanced Forearm Orthosis MOMO 動態手臂支持,平衡前臂矯形器
MOMO is the simple dynamic arm support designed for people who need special assist to move upper limb.Just put your arm on MOMO. You can move your arm with slight force.MOMO never let you feel discomfort and block your visibility because of its design.Once MOMO is adjusted for user, the only thing he/her to do is to put your arm on itVarious settin..
Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel, Warm Therapy, 4oz - 美國製造天然止痛膏,溫法治療,4盎
Sombra Natural Pain Relieving Gel, Warm TherapySombra 天然止痛膏,溫法治療Natural, fast-acting, pain-relieving gel. Sombra Gel contains unique botanical extracts blended with natural active ingredients for safe, effective pain relief. Enriched with menthol, camphor, capsaicin and aloe vera extract. Ideal for temporary relief of pain associated with headaches..
Table-top Shoulder, Arm and Wrist Exerciser
The CanDo Magneciser Table-Top Shoulder, Arm and Wrist Exerciser is an upper body pedal exerciser ideal for increasing muscle strength, improving range-of-motion, developing coordination and enhancing circulation. The exerciser, which is bi-directional, uses magnetic resistance to enable smooth and quiet operation. The arm length can be adjusted fr..
Medex E05 - Immobilizing Shoulder Sling 固定上肢吊帶
E05 - 固定上肢吊帶手臂吊帶 適用症狀- 上肢創傷,骨折,肩膀脫位,肱骨或鎖骨骨折,術後或石膏期使用- 透氣,耐用及舒適自粘布料製成,腰部增加一條自粘拉帶,限制手臀前後移動固定上肢吊帶,又稱手臂吊帶,是一款專為肩膀、手臂等上肢部位的固定而設計的產品。它採用高品質的材料製成,柔軟舒適,並具有良好的透氣性,能夠保持使用者的舒適感。此產品能夠固定上肢部位,減少上肢運動時的晃動和震動,並且提供額外的支撐,減輕對上肢部位的壓力,從而減少因運動而引起的不適和疼痛。固定上肢吊帶適用於各種需要固定上肢部位的場合,如肩膀、手臂等部位的運動、骨折、扭傷、肌肉拉傷等問題。它非常易於使用,只需簡單穿戴即可,而且可以進行調整,適合不同體型和需求的使用者。總之,固定上肢吊帶 手臂吊帶是一款高品質、柔軟舒適..
Solo Call Bed Sensor Alarm Kit for Fall Prevention - Complete Set With Mat - 床上跌落報警系統(含墊子),預防老人床上跌落
This bed exit sensor alarm upplied in a kit, as a complete set with a bed mat for fall preventionPager alarm volume is 85dBIndicator light flashes on the pager when transmitter is out of range or loses connectionTransmitter can be set to alert instantly, or with a 2 second delay to help avoid false alarmsDescription- The Solo Call Pager, Transmi..
Medex E15 - Arm & Leg Gaiter 手肘膝部固定護托
E15 - 手肘膝部固定護托 適用症狀:- 手肘固定(成人)- 手肘/膝部固定(兒童)- 固定,穩定及支撐手肘或膝部- 兩側共四條可調成形鋁條- 舒軟海綿墊手肘膝部固定護托是一款專為手肘和膝蓋問題而設計的產品。它採用高品質的材料製成,柔軟舒適,並具有良好的透氣性,能夠保持使用者的舒適感。此產品能夠固定手肘和膝蓋部位,減少運動時的晃動和震動,並且提供額外的支撐,減輕對手肘和膝蓋的壓力,從而減少因運動而引起的不適和疼痛。手肘膝部固定護托適用於各種需要固定手肘和膝蓋部位的場合,如手肘和膝蓋關節炎、肌肉拉傷、韌帶損傷、骨折等問題。它非常易於使用,只需簡單穿戴即可,而且可以進行調整,適合不同體型和需求的使用者。總之,手肘膝部固定護托是一款高品質、柔軟舒適、提供額外支撐的產品,適用於各種手肘和..
EnuSens Bed Wetting Trainer & Adult Incontinence Alarm
Specifically designed to detect urine and vomit, the EnuSens Bed Wetting Trainer & Adult Incontinence Alarm is a discreet device that alerts you and carers when assistance is required.The sensor mat is made from soft cotton and can be used on chairs or beds and inside pillowcases to ensure total peace of mind.- Detects urine and vomit- Suit..
Medex E18-K - Universal Arm Sling (Kids) 通用手臂吊帶(小童)
E18 - 通用手臂吊帶(小童)手臂吊帶 適用症狀:- 上肢創傷,骨折,鎖骨骨折,手術後或石膏期使用- 由透氣布料和魔術貼製成,依彎曲手臂舒適位置調節吊帶長短,可調控手腎吊帶之大小,對受傷的上肢起局部固定和支撐作用 尺碼: 自由碼 Medex-E18-KUniversal Arm Sling (Kids) 通用手臂吊帶(小童)HKD$150.00..
Polygreen Multi-user Upper Arm Blood Pressure BP Monitor Set 多使用者上臂式電子血壓計
功能:多使用者模式手臂測量世界衛生組織(WHO)指示模糊邏輯技術iPD技術測量範圍:壓力範圍:20 - 300 mmHg脈搏範圍:40 - 200 次/分鐘準確度:± 3 mmHg 或 ± 5% 讀值測量方法:示波法(Oscillometer method)壓力準確度:± 3 mmHg 或 2%脈搏率準確度:± 5% 讀值充氣與放氣方式:充氣方式:電動滾動幫浦放氣方式:機械釋放閥快速排氣:電磁閥顯示與記憶功能:顯示:數字液晶顯示屏(LCD)記憶:可儲存 85 組測量數據操作按鍵:開關鍵、記憶鍵、使用者鍵操作與存放條件:操作溫度範圍:5 - 40°C(41 - 104°F)操作濕度範圍:15 - 90% RH存放溫度範圍:-20 至 +55°C(-4 至 +131°F)存放濕度範圍:小於 93..
CanDo Wrist/Forearm Exerciser Set: 3 Semi-Spheres 3 Handles CanDo 手腕/前臂訓練器套組:3 個半球;3 個握柄
CanDo 手腕/前臂訓練器可幫助進行重複性功能運動,以復健手腕和前臂。可用於練習屈曲(Flexion)、伸展(Extension)、旋前(Pronation)、旋後(Supination),以及手腕的尺偏(Ulnar Deviation)和橈偏(Radial Deviation)。此訓練器非常適合剛開始復健的患者,因為其使用所需的體力較少。使用時,可將半球和握柄搭配使用,也可以單獨使用半球。透過不同尺寸的握柄和半球混搭,找到最合適的組合。本套組包含 3 個半球和 3 個握柄,每個握柄和半球的尺寸與顏色皆不同:(超小號 - 黑色,中號 - 綠色,超大號 - 黃色)。尺寸:5.5 英寸 x 2 英寸 x 2 英寸重量:2 磅The CanDo Wrist/Forearm Exerciser a..
Beurer Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor, BM26 上臂式電子血壓計 BM26
醫療級精準測量德國精密設計的 BM26 數位血壓測量儀 可準確測量並記錄 收縮壓(高壓)+ 舒張壓(低壓)及心率,確保臨床級精確度。可調節柔軟袖帶 & 簡單易用- 可調式柔軟臂帶,適合 大、小臂圍 使用。- 測量只需按下一個按鈕,即可輕鬆完成血壓測量。最多 4 位使用者數據存儲- 可存儲 4 位使用者的數據,每人可記錄 30 組測量結果,方便全家人追蹤血壓變化。- 適用於專業場景,可用於監測多位患者的血壓數據。額外功能- 心律異常偵測:當偵測到心律不整時,系統會自動發出警示。- 血壓等級顯示:彩色標示讓您一眼掌握血壓是否過高,方便快速判讀健康狀態。配件 & 客服支援套裝內含:✔ 電池✔ 便攜收納盒✔ 適用於 8.7” - 16.5” 上臂圍的袖帶產品尺寸:7.7 x 3.5 ..
Medex E18 - Universal Arm Sling 通用手臂吊帶
E18 - 通用手臂吊帶手臂吊帶 適用症狀:- 上肢創傷,骨折,鎖骨骨折,手術後或石膏期使用- 由透氣布料和魔術貼製成,依彎曲手臂舒適位置調節吊帶長短,可調控手腎吊帶之大小,對受傷的上肢起局部固定和支撐作用 尺碼: 自由碼 Medex-E18Universal Arm Sling 通用手臂吊帶HKD$120.00..
Universal Hemi Arm Sling - 通用型半臂吊帶
Universal Hemi Arm SlingElbow-securing strap gives extra support.a) Supports the hand, arm and shoulder.b) Straps are adjusted easily with metal buckles. Adjustable strap between forearm cuffs is secured with hook and loop fasteners.c) Once fitted, the Standard Hemi Arm Sling can be donned and doffed without assistance..
Akileine Warming Cream for Cold Feet - Akileine足寒溫熱霜
Akileine Warming Cream for Cold FeetAkileine Warming Cream is ideal for relieving of cold foot problemCold feet is a common condition that affects many patients from all walks of life. The body responds to cold temperatures by reducing the blood flow to the extremities leaving the feet vulnerable. Chronic cold feet are often a result of impaired ci..