Medex A07 - Toe Free Compression Sock (per piece) 足踝薄護套(壓力套)(单只)
A07 - 足踝薄護套(壓力套)足踝扭傷保護 適用症狀: - 踝關節腫脹,踝關節扭傷(一級),關節炎,靜脈曲張,運動保護,手術後康復使用- 透氣彈性棉質料- 成型和雙重彈力設計- 舒適收緊足踝和小腿專為腳踝設計的保護產品。採用高品質彈性紗線織成,質地柔軟舒適,穿著親膚無負擔。足踝薄護套(壓力套)的特殊設計能夠提供強大的支撐力和穩定性,能有效減少腳踝關節受到的震動和外力,減輕腳踝的疲勞感。此外,足踝薄護套(壓力套)還具有壓力調節功能,能夠根據個人需要調整壓力大小,提供個性化的穿著體驗。無論是運動、長時間站立或行走,足踝薄護套(壓力套)都能夠為您的腳踝提供全方位的保護和舒適感,讓您在日常生活中更加自在自在。 尺碼: 小/中/大 ..
Orthosleeve Compression Bracing Socks,Black - Orthosleeve黑色壓力支撐襪,緩解足部疼痛
Orthosleeve Compression Bracing Socks - BlackThe FS4+ Over the Calf Compression Bracing Socks is designed to provide relief for ankle swelling, varicose veins, Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, heel and arch pain and shin splints while also improving recovery. Our proprietary design infused with award winning, patented FS6® technology makes t..