Plantar Fasciitis Products

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Formthotics 201 Full Length - Dual Density ShockStop Diabetic Insole Formthotics 201全長型--雙層吸震糖尿病鞋墊


Formthotics 201 Full Length - Dual Density ShockStop InsoleRevolutionary ShockStop foam protects and reduces impact, providing superior shock absorption Beneficial for patients who require extra care; history of arch blistering, elderly, diabetes, arthritis, atrophy or boney prominencesShockStopShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum sho..


Foot Gym Ankle Exerciser - Foot Gym™腳踝鍛煉器


The Foot Gym™ ankle exerciser is a useful device for stretching, exercise and rehabilitation. Good for foot injuries such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, heel pain, shin splints and more. Exercise: three color-coded resistance bands for toe curl, toe flexion, and dorsiflexion. Stretch: platform angle is great for stretching the calf ..


Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint (Foot Drop Night Use AFO) - 足底筋膜炎夜用夾板(足下垂夜用踝足矯形夾板)


Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint (Foot Drop Night Use AFO)Ideal for treating foot drop, plantar fasciitis and contractures caused by prolonged bed rest, arthritis, neurological or post-surgical conditions.The Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint is designed with comfort in mind. Key features include adjustable flexion straps that control the amou..


OS1st FS6 Compression Foot Sleeve (Pairs) / Plantar Fasciitis Sleeve - 美國壓力襪FS6足部6段壓踝套 / 足底筋膜炎脚套


FS6 Compression Foot Sleeve (Pairs) / Plantar Fasciitis SocksFS6 uses Patent Pending Compression Zones to lift the Plantar Fascia (under-foot support structure) and move excess fluids and blood out of the foot and heel to reduce swelling and pain. FS6 keeps the Plantar Fascia ligaments gently stretched while increasing blood flow to damaged tissues..

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