Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support Orthosis 腰部支撐護具

Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support Orthosis 腰部支撐護具

Product Code: 1218500008000X
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Product Description

Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support Orthosis 腰部支撐護具


LordoLoc 適用於作為腰部支撐裝置,以穩定腰椎,例如在慢性腰椎綜合症的情況下。這款穩定護具配備四條 9¼ 英寸 的內建解剖學輪廓輕質鋁製支撐條,能夠激活肌肉,減輕脊椎壓力,且外形極為輕薄。支撐強度可調節,以提供最佳的個人化腰部支撐。

- 穿戴方便,易於調整

- 材質透氣,親膚舒適

- 外形低調,不易察覺


LordoLoc 以其極為輕薄卻高效的設計而著稱。這款柔韌的護具由 兩條可調節的固定帶 及 四條 9¼ 英寸的輕質鋁製支撐條 組成,支撐條置於背部。當肌肉激活不足以支撐腰椎時,這些支撐條將發揮作用。


支撐條可根據個人需求 調整形狀,確保最佳貼合度。如果肌肉支撐不足,這些支撐條可提供額外的穩定效果。


穿戴方便,佩戴舒適:LordoLoc 透過 魔鬼氈固定帶 及 實用的手拉帶 開合,便於穿脫。透過調整 彈性拉伸固定帶,可改變壓力強度,以適應不同需求。

其 柔軟、輕薄且透氣的材質 可緊貼身體,不影響日常活動,即使在衣物下穿戴,也不易被察覺。LordoLoc 讓腰部獲得有效支撐,提供可感知的舒適度與穩定性。


✔ 腰痛(Lumbago)

✔ 小面關節症候群(Facet Syndrome)

✔ 薦髂關節刺激症(Irritation of the Sacroiliac Joint)

✔ 脊椎退行性病變(Degenerative Changes of the Spine)

✔ 肌肉無力(如骨質疏鬆症引起的肌肉不足)

Stabilizing support for relief of the lumbar spine

LordoLoc is suitable for use as a back support for the stabilization of the lumbar spine, for example in the event of chronic lumbar vertebral syndrome. The stabilizing orthosis with four 91/4" integral anatomically contoured flexible lightweight aluminium stays has a muscle-activating effect, relieves the spine and is very low-profile. The degree of stabilization can be adjusted to provide optimal individual support to the lower back.

> Easy to put on and take off

> Material is very breathable and gentle on the skin

> Low-profile and discrete


LordoLoc is characterized by its extremely thin yet effective construction. The supple support consists of two adjustable straps and four 91/4" corset stays made of flexible lightweight aluminum inserted at the back. The rods support the spine if an activation of the musculature alone is not sufficient. The tighter the upper strap is fastened, the greater the stabilization. The corset stays can be individually reshaped for a perfect fit. The stays provide extra support if muscular activation is not enough.


Easy to fit, comfortable to wear: The support is opened and closed using Velcro fastenings with practical hand straps. The degree of compression exerted by the elastic tensioning straps depends upon their adjustment. The soft, thin and lightweight material sits comfortably and snugly against the body, without being particularly noticeable under the clothing. LordoLoc thus relieves the lower back perceptibly yet discretely.

Treatment of


Facet syndrome

Irritation of the sacroiliac joint

Degenerative changes of the spine

Muscular insufficiency (e.g. in osteoporosis)

Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support - Fu Kang Online Store

Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support - Fu Kang Online Store

Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support - Fu Kang Online Store

Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support - Fu Kang Online Store

12185000080001Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support 腰部支撐護具 - Size 1: Circumference 27.5-31.5 inchesHKD 1,900
12185000080002Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support 腰部支撐護具 - Size 2: Circumference 31.5-35.5 inchesHKD 1,900
12185000080003Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support 腰部支撐護具 - Size 3: Circumference 35.5-39.25 inchesHKD 1,900
12185000080004Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support 腰部支撐護具 - Size 4: Circumference 39.25-43.25 inchesHKD 1,900
12185000080005Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support 腰部支撐護具 - Size 5: Circumference 43.25-47.25 inchesHKD 1,900
12185000080006Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support 腰部支撐護具 - Size 6: Circumference 47.25-51.25 inchesHKD 1,900

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