Instruments to measure grip strength, joint movement, range-of-motion, and sensitivity level are just some of the products found in this group. Classic tools such as these are used daily in physical therapy, medical facilities, and schools.
Baseline® Plastic Goniometers - 360 Degree Head - 12 inch Arms - Baseline塑料制關節量角器,360度刻度,12英寸尺臂
Transparent plastic goniometer permits observation of joint's axis of motion, and its range of motion. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used with the ISOM (International Standards of Measurement, STFR) system. Arm has a linear scale in inches and centimeters and remains at measurement position until reset. Angle scale reads 1° i..
Lafayette MMT Hand-Held Dynamometer
The newest Lafayette Hand-Held Dynamometer combines all of the features of the previous model with the addition of an algometer attachment, advanced menus to store testing setups, increased storage, and improved battery life.What is Hand-Held Dynamometry? Why is it important?Hand-Held Dynamometry is a valid and proven assessment tool used for objec..
Jamar Plus+ Digital Hand Dynamometer
Features:Provides PTs, OTs, and CHTs an easy way to track and document patient’s progressIdeal for routine screening of patients’ grip strengthIn either pounds or kilograms, the digital readout easily displays isometric grip force from 0 - 200lbs (90kg)Digital load cell technology eliminates calculation errors and automatically calculates the avera..
Harpenden Stadiometer 哈彭登測距儀
StadiometerThe "Harpenden" Stadiometer is a counter recording instrument, with an effortless counter balanced movement. It will give an accurate and direct reading of a subject's height, to the nearest millimetre over a range of 600 mm to 2100 mm.SpecificationThe main frame ot this instrument is rigidly made ot light alloy angle and provided with a..
Sit n' Reach Trunk Flexibility Box 坐位及伸展軀幹柔韌度測試盒
使用Baseline坐位及伸展軀幹柔韌度測試進行測試。刻度包括:健身、計劃、Cooper Institute/YMCA、AAHPERD。刻度以英寸和公分印刷。由堅固的粉末塗層金屬構造製成,帶有內置的腳板和一個最大伸展指示器,直到重置仍然保持。121085Sit n' Reach Trunk Flexibility Box 坐位及伸展軀幹柔韌度測試盒HKD 1,500121086Sit n' Reach Trunk Flexibility Box - Deluxe 坐位及伸展軀幹柔韌度測試盒 - 豪華版HKD 2,100..
Harpenden Neonatometer 哈彭登新生兒計
The Harpenden Neonatometer is designed to measure the length of a subject to the nearest millimetre; it is specifically designed to be used without the subject having to be lifted from the surface on which they are lyingThe ball-bearing mounted carriage has an extremely free movement and is operated via a constant pressure lever, which automaticall..
MicroFET2 MMT Handheld Dynamometer,MicroFET2 MMT 手持式測力計
Digital Handheld Dynanometer that Fits in the Palm of your Hand The wireless microFET®2 Digital Handheld Dynamometer muscle tester is an accurate, portable Force Evaluation and Testing (FET) device. It is designed specifically for taking objective, reliable, and quantifiable muscle testing measurements. It is a modern adaptation of the time-te..
Replacement Antennas for Extendable Goniometer 可伸縮測角儀的替換天線
10 replacement antennas for the Model 01135 Extendable Goniometer.10 個用於 01135 型可伸縮測角儀的替換天線。01135-10Replacement Antennas for Extendable Goniometer 可伸縮測角儀的替換天線HK$660.00..
BEURER FT 09 數位口腔體溫計,具備記憶功能,安全適用於兒童
Beurer FT 09 口腔電子體溫計記憶功能:可儲存一次測量記錄。自動關機:測量完成後自動關機以節省電池電量。蜂鳴提示音:測量完成時會發出聲音提示。防水設計:提升耐用性,方便清潔。安全耐用:不含水銀與玻璃,使用更安全。溫度顯示:以攝氏度(°C)顯示體溫。接觸式測量技術:提供準確且可靠的測量結果。電池供電:使用 1 顆 1.5V LR41 電池(已附)。輕巧體積:尺寸為 15 x 2.2 x 4 公分,重量僅 0.04 公斤。產品保固:附保固。產品特色:自動關機:有健康功能:測量體溫隨附配件:體溫計與 1 顆 1.5V LR41 電池產品編號:BEU-ZB0002-79116產品名稱:Beurer FT 09 口腔電子體溫計(藍色)Beurer FT 09 Oral Thermometer..
Holtain Tanner/Whitehouse Skinfold Caliper 皮褶卡尺
This instrument, which has been specifically designed for the accurate measurement of sub-cutaneous tissue, was developed in close collaboration with the London University Institute of Child Health, and it incorporates the recommended principles for standard usage in such measurements.Measuring range: 0 mm to 46 mm.Pressure between Anvils (constant..
Harpenden Portable Stadiometer 哈彭登便攜式測距儀
Portable StadiometerThis instrument has been designed to give all the advantages of the "Harpenden" wall-mounted Stadiometer in a portable form. It has the same sensitive counter balanced movement and will give accurate and direct readings, to the nearest millimetre, over a range of 810 mm to 2060 mm. It is extremely easy to erect, its only compone..
Halo Goniometers 測角儀
Halo 的一系列設備旨在測量和評估患者的運動範圍。 Halo 沒有使用傳統的測角儀“手臂”,而是使用激光來確保准確且可重複的結果,使其獲得 FDA 和 TGA 的批准。 Halo 的其他功能包括單手功能、可選類別和快速、易於讀取的結果。當談到醫學測試結果時,準確性就是一切。 這就是 Halo 數字測角儀在測試和測量運動範圍方面具有革命性意義的原因。 它是下一代聯合測量,它將測角儀、傾斜儀和石油計的功能結合到一個易於使用的測量工具中。 嘗試在用雙手操縱測角儀並將患者保持在適當位置的同時讀取測角儀上的小線是一項巨大的工作,可能會導致錯誤。 大多數測角儀通常會產生高達 30 度的測量偏差,從而為醫療治療的錯誤和誤判留下很大的空間。 不過,Halo 不相信測量差異。 Halo 的評分者間可靠性為 ..
Touch Test Sensory Evaluators 觸覺測試感知評估器
Individual Touch Test® Sensory EvaluatorThese portable sensory evaluators are manufactured within a 5% standard deviation of each target force.Use to test sensory levels and obtain objective data for accurate reporting on the status of diminishing or returning sensibility.The filament bends when peak force threshold is reached.The unique handle eas..
Baseline® Plastic Goniometer - Rulongmeter Style - 360 Degree Head - 6 inch Arms - Baseline塑料製關節量角器,直尺式,360度刻度,6英寸尺臂
This transparent plastic goniometer permits observation of a joint's axis of motion and its range of motion. The primary purpose of this device is to assist in physical therapy by determining range of motion of a joint as well as evaluating and gauging recovery after surgery or physical therapy. The 360° head has three scales calibrated to be used ..
Lafayette Extendable Goniometer 可伸縮測角儀
The arms of an Extendable Goniometer can extend to 28 inches to measure large joints and retract to 8 inches to measure all but the smallest joints. Unlike standard goniometers that require the examiner to estimate alignment, the length of the extendable arms allows it to lie over anatomical bony landmarks.可伸縮測角儀的臂可以延伸至 28 英寸以測量大關節,縮回至 8 英寸以測量除最小關節..