Cognitive Rehab

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Neofect Smart Pegboard for Functional and Cognitive Rehabilitation - Neofect康復釘板,用於功能性和認知性康復訓練的數字釘板


Digital pegboard for functional and cognitive rehabilitationNeofect Smart Pegboard provides visual and auditory feedback to motivate users through gamified training.用於功能性和認知性康復的數字釘板Neofect智能釘板提供視覺和聽覺反饋,通過遊戲來激勵用戶的日常康復訓練。Digital Training ProgramProvides results-oriented digital rehabilitation games with parameter adjustability promoting "just the rig..


Obie For Senior Virtual Interactive Projector with Game Console


Obie is a highly advanced interactive gaming console that projects custom-made games onto any surfaces – tabletops, floors, and walls – encouraging active play through touching, moving, and hand-eye coordination skills on the displayed images.Meaningful Play for SeniorsSeniors engaged in high quality, active play-based experiences will feel better ..




The Bi-Manu-Trainer supports patients with sensory-motor and cognitive impairment during rehabilitation. It provides interactive uni- and bimanual training exercises with focus on visuomotor finger, hand and arm coordination using Virtual Reality based games and sophisticated sensor technology. The game-based learning approach leads to high patient..


Finger Extension Remedial Game 手指伸展矯正遊戲


One side of the board is a checker game and the other side is a solitaire jumping game.Ideal for active finger extension.Each playing surface has loop material, while the 32 square checkers have hook material.For active extension exercise, position a finger in the soft, vinyl checker loop and pull the checkers away from the board.Color may vary.Ind..


RehaCom - Cognitive Therapy 認知治療


RehaCom 是什麼?RehaCom 是一個全面且先進的電腦輔助認知康復軟體系統。這款實用工具可幫助治療師針對特定的認知障礙進行康復訓練,例如注意力、專注力、記憶、感知、日常生活活動等多個方面。透過解決各種訓練任務,大腦的運作過程將被激活,進而改善或恢復重要的腦部功能。成功的訓練將使使用者更能應對日常生活的挑戰。RehaCom 可應用於受傷後的急性期,並可在康復的各個階段持續使用。透過認知評估或使用不斷增加的篩選模組,治療師可以輕鬆選擇適合患者的訓練課程。母語訓練該軟體包含約 30 個訓練模組,並且支援 27 種不同的語言,因此患者可以使用母語進行訓練。該軟體具備自適應功能,會根據患者的表現自動調整難度,確保適應個體的需求。在醫療機構內接受一段時間的治療後,患者還可以通過 RehaCom ..


EsoGLOVE Neuro Hand Rehabilitation System


Action Observation TherapyAction Observation Therapy is a scientifically well-grounded and effective method of intervention to improve motor functions among Stroke patients. During training, patients usually observe on-screen actions and try to imitate the actions. With EsoGLOVE, patients with spastic* or flaccid hands are able to carry out th..


EVOLV Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Therapy Kit


VirtualRehab HandsRehabilitation of fine motor skills of the handsVirtualRehab Hands enables mass practice of fine motor skills through a novel approach to training dexterity, range of motion and muscle strength for fine motor rehabilitation.VirtualRehab Hands includes activities for finger flexion, extension, abduction, and wrist ulnar and radial ..


Mobile Obie, Virtual Interactive Projector With Game Console


A motorized stand on wheels specifically designed toseamlessly move Obie to different rooms and locations.The stand also allows you to easily switch between Obie'savailable modes (Floor, Wall,Table).The state-of-the-art stand includes a hydraulic motor withthe ability to elevate the stand to a maximum height of 2.4meters from the ground. Rubber whe..


Obie For Kids Virtual Interactive Projector with Game Console


Meet Obie.Active Play. Educational Games. Dynamic Fun.Make your business stand out with an active, educational, and social centerpiece families won’t forget. Engage and entertain your customers for longer and more often with tons of games and little to no upkeep.One device. Four mode. Endless possibilities.High tech. High impact.BRING SOMETHING EXT..

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