Exercise Equipment
Exercise products can be used for strength, rehab, coordination and balance training. Bands and tubing are an economical solution for exercising; hand and finger products are a standard in facilities; putty, weights, pedal exercisers, pulleys, exercise balls and mats round out this category.
Table-top Shoulder, Arm and Wrist Exerciser
The CanDo Magneciser Table-Top Shoulder, Arm and Wrist Exerciser is an upper body pedal exerciser ideal for increasing muscle strength, improving range-of-motion, developing coordination and enhancing circulation. The exerciser, which is bi-directional, uses magnetic resistance to enable smooth and quiet operation. The arm length can be adjusted fr..
Archxerciser Elgin 足部訓練器 - 原版
Provides resistance for key foot exercises used in clinical rehab of the arch and footStrengthening the intrinsic and extrinsic musculature of the footTreats a variety of ailments including plantar fasciitis and heel spur syndromeUseful for treating the foot and ankle after surgery and acts as a preventative aid against sore feet for those who stan..
Airex Balance Pad, Mini, 16 x 10 x 2.5, Black
The Airex Mini Balance Pad is a foam stability exercise trainer that's terrific for balance, stretching, physical therapy, mobility, rehabilitation and core strength training. Lightweight, comfortable and non-slip thanks to the waffle texture on top and bottom, these mats are a must have for any workout. Their size makes them ideal for one-legged a..
Airex Coronella Closed Cell Exercise Mats 閉孔泡沫運動墊
Airex 墊子輕便、舒適,且不會在地板上滑動。它們由閉孔泡沫製成,具有“整體模壓皮膚”以增加額外的堅韌性。橫向肋紋圖案被模壓入墊子中,以抵抗撕裂並賦予墊子足夠的靈活性,可以“卷起”進行攜帶和儲存。可單獨盒裝或以箱裝包裝提供。適合個人鍛煉,且足夠堅固,可用於健身中心和治療診所。Airex mats are lightweight, comfortable and do not slide on the floor. They are made from closed-cell foam with an "integrally molded skin" for extra toughness. Transverse ribbing pattern is molded into the m..
Tzora Active Passive Trainer APT-5 Arm Leg Exerciser
Tzora Active Passive Trainer APT-5Active passive APT5 training deviceFor training upper and lower limbs Option to adjust the radius of rotation and range of motion of the joints 10 passive speed levels and 10 active resistance levels.Ultimate training device for exercising 4 limbs at the same time.The APS is actually a professional spinning bike f..
Airex 運動墊,Coronella 120,47" x 24" x 0.6",藍色
Airex Exercise Mats are the definition of durable versatility. This Airex Coronella 120 Exercise Mat is the premier must-have mat for rehab workouts, fitness workouts, yoga, Pilates, floor exercises, stretching, mobility, and stability. Comfortable and non-slip, these mats are made from closed-cell foam with an "integrally molded skin" for extra to..
The Knobble II Massage Tool (plastic) - Knobble按摩工具(塑料材質)
This polymer massager is about the size of a large mushroom cap. The “cap" is held in the palm, and the smoothly rounded stem is used to apply pressure to trigger points in soft tissue. Minimizes wear-and-tear to the therapists hands. Colors vary.這種聚合物按摩器約有一個大蘑菇傘那麽大。傘帽被設計成可握持,光滑的圓形柄用來對軟組織的觸發點施加壓力。最大限度地減少對治療師手部的磨損和傷害。多種顔色可選。141341The Knobble® II ..
Magnetic Resistance Pedal Exercisers, Pedal Bike for Wheelchair User - 磁阻力式踏板健身器,可于輪椅上使用
Pedal ExercisersThe Magneciser Pedal Exerciser is an upper and lower body exercise ideal for increasing muscle strength, improving range-of-motion, developing coordination and enhancing circulation. Developed for both table-top and floor use, the exerciser uses magnetic resistance to enable smooth and quiet operation. Bi-directional, the peddler is..
Eggsercizer Resistive Hand Exerciser - Eggsercizer握力鍛煉器
EggsercizerErgonomically shaped to fit the contours of the hand, Eggsercizer® Hand Exerciser feels great in the hand. Ideal for fingers, hand, wrist, and forearm. With regular use, the Eggsercizer improves your grip strength, increases dexterity and mobility, helps develop motor skills, and improves circulationMade of a washable, synthetic rubber m..
ProStretch for Plantar Fasciitis Relief
Deep, safe, effective way to stretch, strengthen and rehab lower leg muscles and conditions.ProStretch® automatically holds foot in the optimal position, providing a biomechanically accurate and efficient stretch that has been proven to work the lower leg muscles effectively.Helps to prevent and treat plantar fasciitis, tight calves, tight ham..
Exercise Skate - Foam Padded and Upholstered, Upper Limb Exercise Skate Board,运动溜冰鞋 - 泡沫衬垫和软垫,上肢运动溜冰板
Exercise Skate - Foam Padded and Upholstered Exercise skate is designed to increase range of motion and may be used on an exercise board, floor or table. Foam padded and covered with vinyl upholstery. Velcro straps. Ball casters. It can be used for neuro rehabilitation for upper limb exercise.Exercise skate is a padded mobile skate used for physica..
Norco LEVELS Exercise Elastic Tubing
Ideal for active resistive, strengthening exercises.- Tubing is available in six color-coded resistances.- Our exercise tubing consistently tests below detection levels for allergens, resulting in a smooth and clean product.- Each resistance level can be used independently or as part of a progressive exercise program.- Tubing can be knotted to form..
CanDo Weight Bars
The color-coded CanDo® WaTE™ exercise bars are available in various styles and weight ranges. CanDo® WaTE™ bars can be used in the supine, sitting, or standing position to increase strength and range-of-motion. Also use to improve endurance, balance, and motor skills. The bars are ideal for therapy, group classes, aerobics, yoga, and Pilates. The S..
Achieva SMART Mirror Therapy Kit for Neuro Rehab - Achieva SMART 鏡像療法治療套裝
Achieva SMART-Mirror Therapy KitMirror therapy is most effective when practiced daily, making the SMART-Mirror™ ideal for both clinic and home use for patient with stroke, brain injury, Phantom Limb Pain or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Use to treat upper extremity pain and limited motion due to phantom limb, hemiparesis, arthritis, co..
CanDo Web Hand Exercisers
CanDo hand therapy exercise web is used in hand therapy for flexion, extension, opposition, and supination exercises. Resistance may be modified by adjusting the hand position, depth of finger insertion, or by moving to a different resistance (color) web. The CanDo exercise web is available in both the standard 14 inch diameter size and the small 7..