Belluscura X-PLOR Portable Oxygen Concentrator 可攜式氧氣濃縮器
氧氣濃縮器的運作原理我們日常呼吸的空氣是一種混合氣體,其中約有 78% 為氮氣、21% 為氧氣,另 1% 為其他氣體,如二氧化碳、氖氣與氫氣等。Belluscura 與其研究夥伴密切合作,開發創新的專利氧氣增濃技術,能將普通空氣轉化為醫療等級的高純度氧氣。我們的專利技術能根據臨床需求提供約 82% 至 92% 的純氧,並已研發出多種氧氣濃縮技術。產品特色輕巧便攜X-PLOR 僅重 3.5 磅(1.6 公斤),含 4-cell 電池操作簡便使用者可自行更換氧氣濃縮匣與直接充電式電池Airgonomically™ 人體工學設計小巧、低調設計,適合旅行攜帶藍牙連接功能可透過 Nomad Biometrics App 將 X-PLOR 與手機連接多段流量設定提供 4 段脈衝式氧氣輸出,範圍為 215..
Condor Plus Flaem Aerosol Nebulizer Therapy Unit & Astma Pump,Condor Plus Flaem 霧化治療裝置和 Astma 水泵
• This model is suitable for frequent use at home.• The compressor ensures continuous use, speed and silent operation.• It features a convenient carrying handle for easy transport.• The accessories compartment can store the accessories when not used.• The power cord compartment is housed in the bottom of the unit.• The air is filtered by a hi..
Peak Flow Meter
Peak Flow MeterMeasures the force of air expelled from the lungs. Gives early warning of airway deterioration. Portable design allows use anywhere! Features a fold-down handle and red, yellow and green sliders for measuring your peak flow zone. Reusable and intended for pediatric or adult single patient use.557053Peak Flow MeterHK$320.00557053-100D..
Smiths ASD Acapella DH Vibratory PEP Therapy System With Mouth Piece, Mucus Clearance Device - Smith ASD Acapella 呼吸道震動療法設備,用於清潔呼吸道分泌物
Portex Acapella Choice Vibratory PEP Device (Smiths Medical 27-7000 & 27-8000) from Portex is a respiratory breathing therapy device that vibrates to break up mucus and promotes respiratory secretions. The device can be used with the respiratory patient in any position relative to gravity, including sitting down, standing or reclined. The Acape..
Idealcare Sterile Suction Catheter,Idealcare 無菌吸引導管
-Non Toxic-Finger tip control-Easy insertion-Atraumatic, soft rounded, bevelled open tip-Two lateral eyes with smooth edges-Connector cap provides possibility of constant suction-Do not store at extreme temperatures and humidities-Disposable device, do not re-sterelize or re-use-無毒-指尖控製-易於插入-創傷性、柔軟的圓形斜面開口尖端-兩個邊緣光滑的側眼-連接帽提供持續抽吸的可能性-請勿在極端溫度和濕度下存放-一次性..
Coach 2 Incentive Spirometer - Coach 2 激勵式肺活量計
Coach 2 Incentive Spirometer Coach 2 Incentive Spirometer - Clini-Flow Low-Flow Spirometer makes it easy for patients and staff alike. It is very suitable for lung exercise for patients. One-way valve ensures patients inhale rather than exhale into the unit.Highly visible pistons and universal graphics (indicating correct inspiratory flow rate).Oth..
Nonin Onyx Vantage 9590 Finger Pulse Oximeter - Nonin Onyx Vantage 9590手指脈搏血氧儀
Nonin Onyx Vantage 9590 Finger Pulse OximeterMade in the USA The Nonin Onyx Vantage 9590 Finger Pulse Oximeter is a small, lightweight, portable device indicated for use in measuring and displaying functional oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin (%SpO2) and pulse rate of patients who are well or poorly perfused. It is intended for ..
Teleflex Medical Triflo II Inspiratory Breathing Exerciser Incentive Spirometer - Triflo II吸氣式呼吸訓練儀激勵式肺活量計
The Triflo II Inspiratory Exerciser, by Teleflex Medical, is a training device to strengthen breathing muscles. Breathing fitness is especially important for individuals who have lung conditions such as COPD and asthma. It's also used by patients who have undergone abdominal or chest surgery and therefore require post-operative physiotherapy to get..