RehaCom - Cognitive Therapy 認知治療

RehaCom - Cognitive Therapy 認知治療

Product Code: REHACOM
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Product Description

RehaCom - Cognitive Therapy 認知治療

RehaCom 是什麼?

RehaCom 是一個全面且先進的電腦輔助認知康復軟體系統。這款實用工具可幫助治療師針對特定的認知障礙進行康復訓練,例如注意力、專注力、記憶、感知、日常生活活動等多個方面。

透過解決各種訓練任務,大腦的運作過程將被激活,進而改善或恢復重要的腦部功能。成功的訓練將使使用者更能應對日常生活的挑戰。RehaCom 可應用於受傷後的急性期,並可在康復的各個階段持續使用。透過認知評估或使用不斷增加的篩選模組,治療師可以輕鬆選擇適合患者的訓練課程。


該軟體包含約 30 個訓練模組,並且支援 27 種不同的語言,因此患者可以使用母語進行訓練。該軟體具備自適應功能,會根據患者的表現自動調整難度,確保適應個體的需求。在醫療機構內接受一段時間的治療後,患者還可以通過 RehaCom 的遠端監督訓練功能,在家中繼續進行康復訓練,並由治療師遠端監控。

RehaCom 的主要優勢


- 基於科學

  RehaCom 由神經心理學家設計並開發,已有 20 多年的臨床應用歷史。雖然軟體的設計類似遊戲,但其核心建立在科學研究基礎之上,並經臨床驗證。

- 多語言支持

  該軟體提供 27 種語言,無需額外費用,因此患者可使用母語進行訓練。目前英文版包含約 30 個模組。

- 適用於各階段康復

  RehaCom 可應用於康復的所有階段,從腦損傷急性期開始,一直到康復的最後階段,確保持續的訓練效果。

- 針對特定缺陷


- 自適應訓練

  RehaCom 會根據患者的表現自動調整難度,以確保持續進步,同時降低挫折感,提升學習動力。

- 篩選功能

  RehaCom 提供多種篩選模組,可用於檢測認知障礙,並推薦適當的訓練模組。定期篩選還可顯示患者的進步情況,並提供詳細的報告。

- 遠端監督


- 最大化治療時間

  透過 RehaCom 訓練模組,患者可在治療師的指導下有效學習,在經過數次會話後,他們甚至可以獨立進行訓練,提高康復效率。


- 改善認知功能


- 個性化訓練

  RehaCom 可根據患者的需求進行調整,支持母語訓練,適應視覺障礙,甚至允許患者在訓練中使用熟悉的圖片(如家人照片)作為刺激材料。

- 遠端訓練


- 降低挫折感

  RehaCom 的自適應系統確保患者在面對困難時難度會適當降低,而當任務變得容易時,則會增加挑戰,保持學習的興趣和動力。

RehaCom 的運作方式

RehaCom 是歐洲領先的電腦輔助認知康復工具,目前 95% 以上的德國康復診所每天都在使用它!這並非僅供娛樂的「大腦訓練」工具,而是由臨床醫生和工程師共同開發,旨在為腦損傷患者提供切實的幫助。

RehaCom 支援無限數量的治療師和患者帳戶,並允許患者被多位治療師同時管理。只需提供基本資訊即可建立患者帳戶,當然也可以根據需求補充更多細節。


RehaCom 提供多種篩選模組,且持續更新與擴展中。每個篩選測試大約需要 15 分鐘,因此不建議一次性進行所有測試。

我們通常建議從 「警覺性篩選」 開始,該測試可檢測患者是否存在注意力缺陷,這是認知功能的核心。



目前英文版提供約 30 個訓練模組,且數量持續增加中。

治療師選擇訓練模組後,可透過 參數設定 進行個性化調整,包括:

- 訓練時長

- 訓練的起始難度

- 適應性靈敏度


- 解題時間限制

- 音訊回饋

- 刺激選擇等

治療師確認設置後,患者即可開始訓練(可選擇是否顯示 RehaCom 提供的操作指引)。系統將根據患者表現自動調整難度,使訓練保持挑戰性但不會讓患者感到挫折。




- 訓練等級進展


- 每項任務所需時間



What is RehaCom?

RehaCom - Cognitive Therapy - Fu Kang Online Store

RehaCom is a comprehensive and sophisticated system of software for computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation. This practical tool assists the therapist in the rehabilitation of cognitive disorders that affect specific aspects of attention, concentration, memory, perception, activities of daily living and much more.

By solving tasks, brain processes will be activated and important brain functions will be improved or restored. Successful training means that the user will be better able to cope with the challenges of everyday life. RehaCom can be used even at a very acute stage of injury - and remains relevant through all stages of recovery. Training modules can easily be selected based on a cognitive assessment or by using the growing number of Screening Modules.

Training in mother tongue The software has about 30 modules and is also available in 27 other native languages, so patients can work in their mother tongue. The software is auto-adaptive so the difficulty level will rise and fall depending on the performance of the patient. After a period of therapy inside a facility, the patient can also be supervised at home, over the internet, by using RehaCom’s remote supervised training option.

What are the main benefits of RehaCom?

For the Clinician
Rooted In Science he system has been developed by and for neuropsychologists over the last 20 years. Although it feels like a game, it is rooted in science and clinically proven. Multiple Language Options The software is available in 27 languages at no extra cost, so clients can train in their native language. About 30 modules are available in the English language. Universal Use The procedures cover all stages of rehabilitation. Training can start as soon as possible after ABI and continue all the way through rehabilitation. Deficit Specific The modules cover all cognitive deficits including attention, reaction, memory, and higher executive functions. This means deficits can be targeted and specifically trained. Auto-Adaptive The system is auto-adaptive, meaning the activity will get harder or easier depending on the performance of the client. This ensures steady progression and reduces frustration for the client. Screening RehaCom offers a number of Screening Modules to detect impairments and recommend corresponding cognitive training modules. Regular screening can also help show progression and provide detailed reporting. Remote Supervision Supervised training over the internet is available with Internet licenses. You can prescribe a training programme and monitor your clients remotely. Maximise Therapy Time Reinforce therapy strategies using RehaCom modules. It will enable you to work more efficiently with your clients and after a number of sessions, they can even work alone.

For the Patient
Improved Cognitive Function With consistent use the patient will see clear improvement in areas of cognitive deficit. Many tasks will reinforce the strategies of their therapist and maximise their recovery. Individual The software is adaptable to the patient. They can work in their native language, allow for visual deficits and even use familiar stimuli - such as family images - within the training. Remote Working RehaCom can be used remotely with therapist supervision over the internet. This means they can continue working on modules and reinforcing therapy strategies outwith their regular sessions, improving their recovery. Resists Frustration The modules auto-adapt to the patient’s success. When they find a task difficult they will find it gets easier until they can cope. If it is relatively easy the software will introduce a little more challenge and prevent boredom.

How does RehaCom work?

RehaCom has evolved to become the leading European tool for computer-based cognitive rehabilitation, with over 95 % of German rehabilitation clinics using RehaCom every day! This is not a brain training tool for amusement - although it is engaging to use. It was designed by clinicians and engineers to deliver real-world benefits for users with cognitive issues following a brain injury. With RehaCom you can have an unlimited number of Therapist and Client profiles. Clients can be assigned to multiple therapists as required. You only need some basic information to create a profile but there is scope to add much more if required. Once you have created a Client Profile you might want to try one or two Screening Modules to get an idea of their current status and get suggestions for starting modules.


There is a number of screening modules available for use, and these are improving and expanding on each release. Each screening module lasts around 15mins, so you may not want to test all of them in one go. We generally recommend beginning with Alertness screening as it points towards any attention deficits, which are the cornerstone of cognitive function. The screening module begins with an example and a practice session to make sure the client understands the task. Once this is complete the screening will begin. After screening the results page will show you where the client’s performance sits against aged matched norms. This gives a helpful indication as to the severity of the deficit and advises on the particular training module to be used. You can link directly to the training module from the results screen.


There are about 30 training modules available in English, and this number is steadily growing. Once the therapist knows which module to select they can double click on the icon and select a number of variables from the Parameters screen. Including:

- Duration of session

- Starting Level of the session

- How sensitive the adaptivity should be

There are additional module specific variables available including:
- time limit to solving tasks
- audio feedback
- stimuli choices and more

Once the therapist is satisfied the client can begin training (with or without setup instructions from the RehaCom system). As the training goes on, the task will become easier or harder depending on the client’s performance. This means that it can remain challenging without becoming frustrating. Training can always be paused or instructions repeated if necessary.

Once the training is complete the therapist can review the session from the Results screen. There is a wealth of data included that becomes more rich as the software is used more frequently. The data can be presented in a variety of ways including charts, graphs and comparisons. The most commonly read results are:
- Level progression
- No. of mistakes made
- Time taken for each task
By analysing the data thoroughly the therapist is able to identify particular weaknesses e.g. noticing auditory stimuli, and address this further in the training.

RehaCom - Cognitive Therapy - Fu Kang Online Store

RehaCom - Cognitive Therapy - Fu Kang Online Store

RehaCom - Cognitive Therapy - Fu Kang Online Store

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