Exercise Equipment

Exercise products can be used for strength, rehab, coordination and balance training. Bands and tubing are an economical solution for exercising; hand and finger products are a standard in facilities; putty, weights, pedal exercisers, pulleys, exercise balls and mats round out this category.

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PhysioGait Dynamic Unweighting System - PhysioGait動態減重訓練系統


PhysioGait Dynamic Unweighting SystemInnovative DesignPhysioGait utilizes lean manufacturing that allows for attention to detail and innovative design solutions. PhysioGait's solid steel frame provides stability to patients and can be easily adjusted with a remote control. The compact design of the PhysioGait fits through hospital and rehabilit..


The Shuttle Mini Press Leg Press - 穿梭式推壓腿部鍛煉器


The Shuttle Mini PressPortable roller-board frame is used for functional rehabilitation. Perform multiple hip, knee and shoulder exercises. Measures 43"L. Weight: 20 lbs. Resistance: 0-100 lbs.Resistance ElasticordsEach black elasticord provides ~7 lbs. starting resistance, the red elasticord provides ~2 lbs. starting resistance. Thus, the MiniPres..


Airex Balance Pad 平衡垫


Airex® Balance PadThe AIREX Balance pad is an active therapy and training device made of the familiar soft AIREX foam material. The Balance Pad with its smooth surface is ideal for starting out with barefoot balance training. The thickness of 6 cm gives the Balance Pad the desired destabilising characteristics. Due to the yielding foam, the body is..


Leg Pedal Exerciser Foldable Bike For Elderly - 老年人腿部踏板健身器,可折疊式腿部踏板式鍛煉器


Pedal Exerciser is a simple compact exercising machine for people to do pedal exercises at any place. It is designed for people who wants to exercise while doing other activities or can be a leg strengthener for older folks.Features Foot Strap Non-Slip Rubber Resistance Adjusting Knob Safety Catch for Folding Mechanism踏板健身器是一個簡單且結構緊..


Norco Mini Vibrator, Battery Operated Mini Massager for Desensitization - 迷你電動按摩器


Norco Mini VibratorQuality and convenience, in a portable vibrator. Ideal for scar massage, desensitization, muscle stimulation, oral stimulation and sensory re-education. Three natural silicone heads massage small muscle areas. Select the ball, spot or flat disc attachment most appropriate for the area being massaged. The cap massages broader musc..


Thera-Band FlexBar Tennis Elbow Flexbar - 美國製Thera-band flexbar 網球肘哥爾夫球肘復康阻力賽樂棒


Thera-Band® FlexBar™ (Tennis Elbow Flex Bar)Theraband flexbar is a great tool for tennis elbow and golfers elbow conditioning exercise. It is generally used for strengthening, oscillation and mobilization. it is useful for pain relief from tennis elbow, golfers elbow.it can also ued to improve grip and upper extremity strength with t..


Table-top Shoulder, Arm and Wrist Exerciser


The CanDo Magneciser Table-Top Shoulder, Arm and Wrist Exerciser is an upper body pedal exerciser ideal for increasing muscle strength, improving range-of-motion, developing coordination and enhancing circulation. The exerciser, which is bi-directional, uses magnetic resistance to enable smooth and quiet operation. The arm length can be adjusted fr..


Archxerciser Elgin 足部訓練器 - 原版


Provides resistance for key foot exercises used in clinical rehab of the arch and footStrengthening the intrinsic and extrinsic musculature of the footTreats a variety of ailments including plantar fasciitis and heel spur syndromeUseful for treating the foot and ankle after surgery and acts as a preventative aid against sore feet for those who stan..


Airex Balance Pad, Mini, 16 x 10 x 2.5, Black


The Airex Mini Balance Pad is a foam stability exercise trainer that's terrific for balance, stretching, physical therapy, mobility, rehabilitation and core strength training. Lightweight, comfortable and non-slip thanks to the waffle texture on top and bottom, these mats are a must have for any workout. Their size makes them ideal for one-legged a..


Airex Coronella Closed Cell Exercise Mats 閉孔泡沫運動墊


Airex 墊子輕便、舒適,且不會在地板上滑動。它們由閉孔泡沫製成,具有“整體模壓皮膚”以增加額外的堅韌性。橫向肋紋圖案被模壓入墊子中,以抵抗撕裂並賦予墊子足夠的靈活性,可以“卷起”進行攜帶和儲存。可單獨盒裝或以箱裝包裝提供。適合個人鍛煉,且足夠堅固,可用於健身中心和治療診所。Airex mats are lightweight, comfortable and do not slide on the floor. They are made from closed-cell foam with an "integrally molded skin" for extra toughness. Transverse ribbing pattern is molded into the m..


Tzora Active Passive Trainer APT-5 Arm Leg Exerciser


Tzora Active Passive Trainer APT-5Active passive APT5 training deviceFor training upper and lower limbs Option to adjust the radius of rotation and range of motion of the joints 10 passive speed levels and 10 active resistance levels.Ultimate training device for exercising 4 limbs at the same time.The APS is actually a professional spinning bike f..


Airex 運動墊,Coronella 120,47" x 24" x 0.6",藍色


Airex Exercise Mats are the definition of durable versatility. This Airex Coronella 120 Exercise Mat is the premier must-have mat for rehab workouts, fitness workouts, yoga, Pilates, floor exercises, stretching, mobility, and stability. Comfortable and non-slip, these mats are made from closed-cell foam with an "integrally molded skin" for extra to..


Airex Knee Cushion, 16" x 7.5" x .6", Charcoal


Airex Knee Cushion, 16" x 7.5" x .6", Charcoal Airex Knee Cushion, 16" x 7.5" x .6", Charcoal:The Airex Knee Cushion is the pad you want when looking for versatility and comfort. This knee cushion will find use in the garden, during sports, working on the car, cleaning, chores around the house and anything else where a little bit of cushioning..


UE Ranger with Manual & Home Exercise Program - UE Ranger 關節活動範圍鍛煉器,附帶使用手冊和家庭鍛煉計劃


Improve orthopedic or neurologically impaired limbs through graded, controlled motions.This assistive-motion device facilitates multi-plane biomechanics and graded progressions of motor activity to help improve upper extremity function, ROM and endurance. Use seated, standing or lying supine.Research shows this device demonstrates the capacity to s..


CanDo Wrist/Forearm Exerciser Set: 3 Semi-Spheres 3 Handles CanDo 手腕/前臂訓練器套組:3 個半球;3 個握柄


CanDo 手腕/前臂訓練器可幫助進行重複性功能運動,以復健手腕和前臂。可用於練習屈曲(Flexion)、伸展(Extension)、旋前(Pronation)、旋後(Supination),以及手腕的尺偏(Ulnar Deviation)和橈偏(Radial Deviation)。此訓練器非常適合剛開始復健的患者,因為其使用所需的體力較少。使用時,可將半球和握柄搭配使用,也可以單獨使用半球。透過不同尺寸的握柄和半球混搭,找到最合適的組合。本套組包含 3 個半球和 3 個握柄,每個握柄和半球的尺寸與顏色皆不同:(超小號 - 黑色,中號 - 綠色,超大號 - 黃色)。尺寸:5.5 英寸 x 2 英寸 x 2 英寸重量:2 磅The CanDo Wrist/Forearm Exerciser a..

Showing 1 to 15 of 51 (4 Pages)