Support & Brace
Our wide range of supports and braces provide compression, stabilize and support joints while allowing the patient to maintain daily activities and ease pain.
Aspen Evergreen 627 Adjustable Lumbar Back Brace - Aspen Evergreen 627 可調式腰背支撐護具
The Evergreen™ 627 Lumbar provides a non-invasive, non-narcotic treatment option for patients suffering from tightened muscles that spasm and cause pain. This low-profile brace can be comfortably worn under clothing and was designed to treat a variety of indications in the lumbar spine. It also comfortably fits waist sizes ranging from 28-54 inches..
Aspen Lumbar Pain Relief Back Support,Aspen 腰部支撐帶,緩解腰部疼痛
Aspen Lumbar SupportThe Aspen Lumbar Support is designed to deliver effective pain relief with a combination of innovation and simplicity. Here's an overview of its key features:Key Features:Simple, Elegant DesignProvides essential spinal support to alleviate low back pain.Comfortable for extended use and discreet enough to be worn under clothing.I..
SaeboStretch Dynamic Functional Position Hand Splint - SaeboStretch動態功能位手部夾板
SaeboStretch Dynamic Functional Position Hand Splint Saebo Stretch hand splint dynamically aids those with neurological conditions to improve hand motion. Saebo has made exciting improvements to one of our most popular products. The original SaeboStretch allows the fingers to move into flexion caused by increased tone. It then utilizes one of ..
The Original 3-Point Oval-8 Trigger Finger Splint - Oval-8®手指夾板
Oval-8® Finger SplintOval-8 Finger Splints help heal injuries and correct problems caused by arthritis, mallet finger, swan neck, boutonniere deformity and hypermobility. It can also be used a conservative management for trigger finger (locking finger)Made of 1/16" (16mm), high-temperature polypropylene. Oval-8® splints can be adjusted with a ..
WristWidget TFCC 三角纖維軟骨複合體損傷護手腕帶
WristWidget®The WristWidget™ was designed by a Certified Hand Therapist to reduce wrist pain associated with grip, wrist rotation, and weight bearing. US and International Patent 11,857,434The WristWidget is a type of wrist brace that provides immobilization for weak or injured wrists with an anatomically-contoured design for comfort..
Sure Step Fixed Position Ankle Brace, AFO for Walking - Trulife Sure Step腳踝固定護具,用於輔助行走的腳踝矯形器
Trulife Sure Step Fixed Position Ankle Brace, AFO for WalkingTrulife Sure Step ankle brace is a fixed stirrup orthosis that allows post injury immobilization and return to function in a single brace.It has been widely used in neuro rehabilitation to assist patient in gait training and prevent from foot drop while walking. the stirrup design of..
Bauerfeind LordoLoc Back Support Orthosis 腰部支撐護具
穩定支撐,減輕腰椎壓力LordoLoc 適用於作為腰部支撐裝置,以穩定腰椎,例如在慢性腰椎綜合症的情況下。這款穩定護具配備四條 9¼ 英寸 的內建解剖學輪廓輕質鋁製支撐條,能夠激活肌肉,減輕脊椎壓力,且外形極為輕薄。支撐強度可調節,以提供最佳的個人化腰部支撐。- 穿戴方便,易於調整- 材質透氣,親膚舒適- 外形低調,不易察覺輕度支撐腰部區域LordoLoc 以其極為輕薄卻高效的設計而著稱。這款柔韌的護具由 兩條可調節的固定帶 及 四條 9¼ 英寸的輕質鋁製支撐條 組成,支撐條置於背部。當肌肉激活不足以支撐腰椎時,這些支撐條將發揮作用。調整上部固定帶的鬆緊度,可增加或減少支撐力。支撐條可根據個人需求 調整形狀,確保最佳貼合度。如果肌肉支撐不足,這些支撐條可提供額外的穩定效果。柔軟且有效穿戴方便..
Preformed Resting Pan Mitt Hand Splint - 預製型休息夾板
Preformed Resting Pan Mitt SplintPreformed orthosis positions the spastic and arthritic hand comfortably.Preformed Neutral Position Hand Orthosis ismade of 1/8" or 3/32" (3.2 or 2.4mm) splinting material. Places the thumb in a 45° extension between palmar and radial abduction and MPs at 70° to 90° of flexion while keeping the wrist neutra..
Aspen Peak Scoliosis Bracing System
Aspen Peak Scoliosis Bracing System™The revolutionary Peak Scoliosis Bracing System™ is an unloader brace designed to improve posture which can enhance the quality of life for adult scoliosis patients. This patented, highly adjustable brace from Aspen helps promote a natural center of gravity and enhanced mobility. Improving torso alignment can..
Comfort Cool Wide Wrist Wrap Neoprene Wrist Support - Comfort Cool®加寬護腕,氯丁橡胶护腕
Full coverage for the wrist and forearm.- Ideal for soft tissue injuries due to repetitive motion and arthritis.- Thin wrap provides support and compression to the wrist.- Wide design provides generous overlapping around the wrist and distal forearm. - Limits the final degrees of wrist motion while allowing hand function.- Can be trimmed for a..
Collar and Cuff Orthopaedic Sling - 圍脖式矯形吊腕帶
Foam covered in ribbed stockinette can be easily cut to size to form a simple and comfortable arm sling. Supplied in a 10m roll with fastening ties. One Size Fits All此款吊帶可按所需長度自由裁剪,製成簡單而舒適的手臂吊帶。10米長的卷筒包裝,含有緊固帶。通用尺寸CERCOLLNCUFFCollar and Cuff, White, 10M - 圍脖式矯形吊腕帶,白色10米HK$420.00..
SOMI Brace (Sternal Occipital Mandibular Immobilizer) - SOMI支具(胸骨-枕骨-下頜骨固定器)
SOMI Brace (Sternal Occipital Mandibular Immobilizer)Immobilizes head in practitioner specified positionRemovable chin supportAllows patient to lie flatEasy to fit in supine positionIndication:C4/5–T3/4 stable fractures, post-operative stabilizationSOMI支具(胸骨-枕骨-下頜骨固定器)將頭部固定在指定的位置可拆卸式頸托佩戴時可平躺臥姿時也易於安裝佩戴適應癥:C4/5-T3/4骨折后,術後穩定Model No. 型號代碼.Size 尺碼Heigh..
Sure Step Lite Swedish AFO - Sure Step Lite 瑞典式下肢矯形器
Sure Step Lite AFO Orthotics, Lower Extremity, SureStep Range- Full-calf height- Foot plate is trimmable to required length- Easily modified with heat gun and scissors- Height 29 cm / 11.5 inches Indications: - Mild drop foot Specifications:- Material: Polypropylene Sure Step Lite 下肢矯形器下肢矯形器,SureStep繫列- 全小腿高度- 腳墊可修..
Aspen Vista 464 TLSO Back Brace - Vista® 464 TLSO背部支具
Aspen Vista 464 TLSO Back BraceThe Vista® 464 TLSO offers patients support throughout the thoracolumbar spine, providing a versatile system that accommodates appropriate motion restriction throughout the healing process. An opening at the lumbar spine provides visibility to the site of the incision, while applying no pressure to the wound. The Slic..
OppO Maternity Back Support Belt 2062 - OppO 2062型孕期用下腹部支撐帶
Features:-Helps reduce lower back pain and fatigue during pregnancy.-Helps relieve pain by gently lifting the abdomen.-Provides compression and support to the hips and lower back.-Breathable elastic and soft pile bonded to foam.How To Wear:-Position mid section of support on lower back.-Fasten front panels just below belly for support.-Pull side st..